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Decathlon Swimsuit Test - set gm-4f076

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Videos included in this download:

  • gm-4f076-v1 (37 minutes, 31 seconds)
  • gm-4f076-v2 (07 minutes, 38 seconds)

Decathlon Swimsuit Test

Aurora fills Roxanne's swimsuit, and gets glooped herself

Many modern swimsuits are fully lined at the front, which is probably more comfortable, but does rather interfere with the traditional joys of swimsuit filling where seeing the poured-in substances seeping through that single layer of spandex is a big part of the fun.

But enter the Decathlon brand, who still sell a plain, unlined one-piece swimsuit. So of course we had to buy a full range of sizes, and then put one to a proper test, filled with custard as is traditional.

Roxanne Bramble and Aurora volunteered to carry out this test, Roxanne in the swimsuit, and Aurora in jeans, denim jacket, and white t-shirt, and of course this being a Saturation Hall scene, both also in wellies, ready to catch and fill up with the mess dripping and flowing down their legs as the test proceeds.

The deal with our new swimsuit tests is that the person wearing the suit, the recipient, has to stand and accept whatever is done to them, completely unresisting, however after each pour into their suit, they get to instruct the other person, the tester, to carry out a messy action on themselves, which the tester must then do exactly as instructed. So both of our girls here are going to be getting very, very messy!

The tests begin, and Roxanmne's lovely blue-green swuimsuit soon starts to develop lovely damp stains and patches of seepage as ever more custard is poured in. At first, Aurora gets to stay all clean and dry, as Roxanne instructs her to take her denim jacket off, place it on a tray, and pour soup and custard all over it, while staying conspicuiously clean and dry in her tight high-waist jeans and gleaming white t-shirt. Except of course she knows that soon enough, Roxanne will be telling her to put the mess-drenched jacket back on, which will be the end of her cleanliness. The only question being, just how long will Roxanne let her stay clean before exacting her revenge?

Both girls get totally messy, including full mess shampoos as well as complete clothes filling and covering, and boots filling. As well as the main messy video, there is also a separate hose-down clean-up video, and a detailed photoset.

Mini-trailer included below - note members videos are full size.